

> you can call me spinecorset, sunny, onyx, etc. <
> west asian, natively miltingual, not born or raised in the usa <
> homosexual <
> adult <
> do not use the q slur to refer to me <


> sunrise verse <
> languages <
> lesbian art <
> asian lgbt history <
> dmbj <
> zmyx/the spirealm, swwht/kaleidoscope of death <
> character design <
> miscellaneous kdramas and cdramas, as well as cnovels <
> translation <
> the ming and yuan dynasties, especially the wanli era <


sunrise is my scifi/historical fusion wuxia dmbj au. you can read a crash course on it here. sunrise is my greatest passion as of the summer of 2023, and i spend a good amount of my real-life time researching for this au. my lore document, as of summer 2024, stands at over 9k words and counting. i am currently in the progress of migrating all of my sunrise lore to a notion wiki page for both my convenience and others'. all of my sunrise posts can be found on my blog under my tag #sunrise verse. i also have a number of fics written, as well as a wip, on my ao3 page under the series sunrise 'verse. yes, my blog is named after my au.


baihe is the term for contemporary chinese sapphic media (usually novels, but also films, shows, and manhua). it is one of my greatest passions. i am currently reading wen guan, fgep, jwqs, shuang jing, and my princess has been reborn. my long-term goal is to read as many baihe novels as possible, especially ones that are more obscure in the english-speaking online sphere.


q: what's your actual name?
a: unless you are my romantic partner, you're not entitled to that information.
q: what are your pronouns?
a: i/me; the rest is your problem. and no, i'm not telling you my gender; you're not entitled to that. if you're my friend, i probably trust you enough that the pronouns you use for me don't matter that much.
q: you blocked me! [long rant]
a: this is tumblr. take a deep breath and move on.